Wednesday, January 27, 2016

More Brazilian Pepper Work Ahead

When I was checking on the Lupine seedlings recently, I noticed a new Brazilian Pepper tree had sprouted near one entrance.
Fortunately it is not fruiting yet so I have time to remove it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Lupine season has a slow start

I checked the lupine patches over the weekend, but found  very few seedlings so far.
I don't know how much the weather has influenced this.
I will check later to see if there are any changes.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Quiet in winter, but work to do

This is the time of year to look for trees with red berries that aren't holly trees.
I recently removed a fair-sized Brazilian pepper  tree that became visible near the western fire lane after a pine tree fell and opened the area.
I had removed some smaller trees on the north side while I was removing Ceasar weed  last year.
The troubling problem is the existence of Brazilian peppers along the periphery on county right of way or private property where they are difficult to remove.
The good news as I understand it is that few of the berries result in new trees, but my goal is the continue to check around the edges when time and daylight during the early sunset period of the year permit.
I found some cogon grass earlier, but reported it to FWC for attention.