I am paying more attention to moths. Moths are numerous, mostly useful or just part of the ecology, which is ultimately useful. However, they are more secretive, mostly nocturnal even though they can be found by disturbance in the daytime and they are generally not as colorful as butterflies. They are also more numerous and identification is a challenge, I think. I looked at Peterson's moth guide in the library and it's like trying to sort out skippers in some cases. Nevertheless, I want to give it a try by photographing the species I can. Two elegant species I have missed photographing, one because I didn't have a camera with me and one because it escaped before I could get a photo are the Scarlet Wasp Moth and an unidentified species that had an orange body, black wings with white tips on the forewings. I haven't been able to find it in the Peterson guide or on a moth web site I found.
Anyway, I want to start posting the moth images I can get here and I'll see how it goes.