Sunday, December 27, 2009

Trouble at the lupine patch

When I stopped by this morning I saw that some more vandalism had occurred around the Scrub Lupine planting. Signs had been uprooted. One of the cages for seedlings had been overturned. At least one surviving lupine had been uprooted and thrown on the ground. Some of the containers had been uprooted, though all contained either dead plants or no plants.

I checked around and saw one set of shoeprints. Judging by the size, it was a young person. Some of the flags had been moved again to mark the path from the woods into the northern fire lane and to wherever they came from along First Avenue.

I'm increasingly convinced that some kind of electronic surveillance is the only solution. I think it's justified because 0f the importance of the project and the amount of time and money that has been involved. This kind of activity cannotbe allowed to continue.

Enough is enough.