Sunday, May 12, 2024

Cogon Grass Control At Last; Mid-Spring Seedling Survival


I visited the site today and was pleased to see that there had been some great work done to whack the Brazilian Pepper on the periphery and to zap the Cogon Grass that had been expanding over the past several years in the southeastern corner of the north tract where a small population of Clitoria fragrans survives.

As I understand it, additional treatments will probably be necessary. 

Meanwhile, I spent some time today tallying the mid-spring survival rate of the McFarlin's Lupine seedlings.

With all apologies to T.S. Eliot, when it comes to lupines, May is the cruelest month.

Temperatures have reached the 90s and there has been no measurable precipitation.

In the first planting area, there are 19 live seedlings and 54 dead ones.

In the second planting area, there are 10 live plants and 2 dead ones.

In the overgrown third planting area, there are 2 live plants and 3 dead plants. 

The number of dead plants are likely to increase as I observed some with withered lower leaves.

I will follow up at the end of the month as the rainy season, if it occurs, begins.