Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Seedlings Survive Tropical Storm Debby

 I went out today to check on storm damage, but noticed fresh tire tracks that led me to conclude FWC folks were on the job. 

I did check the second Scrub Lupine planting area and found all of the seedlings appeared to have survived after surviving the hot spring weather.

Let's see if they survive until next spring and grow to maturity. 

I checked on the Clitoria fragrans, too. It seems to be holding on, but could use some new material.

The rain also exposed more formerly buried trash, I will return to collect.

I noticed that in the east-west corridor near the second lupine planting area there is an abundance of Septic Weed/Coffee Senna, probably brought in by mowing equipment, Sleepy Orange likes that, as I recall.