Sunday, October 9, 2022

Freeing The Lupines

 I went out today to remove the cages around several of the lupines located in the newest planting area. Many of them have reached mature size and needed to be uncaged so that they didn't  become restricted.

In one case I had to cut off some shoots because they had grown through the wire openings and could not be pulled back inside without further damaging the plant.

When I contacted Cheryl Peterson at Bok, I learned that this was supposed to have been done already and offered to  carry out the task to save her a trip. Most of the cages still had lupines of various sizes, though many were surrounded by everything from oaks to various species of grass--mostly Natal grass--and other plants such as Horseweed.

I also noticed the exoskeletons of Narceus gordanus, the large millipede that is fairly common here, stuck either trying to get in or get  out of t he enclosures. I ddi see some rabbit scat, but no real sign of herbivory.