Thursday, October 6, 2022

Scrub Blazing Star Expands At Last


Since the mechanical clearing several years ago, I have been concerned about the decline of the number of Scrub Blazing Star on the preserve.

During a walk through today, I found a number of  blooming plants that were emerging later than I had seen them before. though that may have  been influenced by the irregular rainflall in late summer and early fall here connected with the arrival of Hurricane Ian.

Rainfall about a mile from this site for September was 19.1 inches/

The plants were emerging from a patth that had been cleared between the second Lupine planting area and the main north-south interior path.

The Lupines were doing fine, though some seem to be bound by the cages installed around them to protect them from herbivory by Eastern Cottontail Rabbits. 

There was some tree fall along the northern fire lane adjacent to First Avenue, but generally the preserve .did well.