Saturday, November 15, 2008

Western horizon less cluttered

I went out today and noticed additional gyrochopping and piling had occurred all the way to the far bench. I am appealing to FWC to spare some of the rest for the sake of resident critters. This is a type of urban refuge for wildlife even though that's not the main purpose for the ownership and management of the site.

The clearing uncovered some more trash. I took out the metal. I'll be back for the rest. I also took out a bag of Natal grass from area near recently burned piles.

I circumnavigated the south tract. Someone has been through the fence near an old break again. It needs a better fix, I suppose. I can't wait until the fire lanes are improved.

Garberia and Eupatorium and Baccharis are blooming. Sumac leaves are changing color. Winter is near.