Sunday, August 31, 2008

Butterflies in the wind

After filling two bags full of Natal grass in my vain attempt at some exotics control and management, I turned my attention to butterflies.

Since the section of the site was opened mechanically, butterflies have been a lot easier to find. I noticed for the first time that I could remember that they were using some of the listed plants as nectar sources. I saw Cloudless Sulfur and Clouded Skipper visit Bonamia grandiflora and I saw Queens on Asclepias curtissi (and a fresh caterpillar the other day).

In addition, Gray Hairstreak were visiting Asclepias tuberosa with a generous five-flower spread. Gulf and Variegated Fritillaries were in their usual haunts.
Today's total was 135 individuals, composed of 14 species. The bulk of the numbers were Ceraunus Blue (42) and Barred Yellow (38).

I noted three species (Zebra Swallowtail, Queen and Barred Yellow) were copulating in flight.

This count may be a baseline for next year. I had good results despite windy conditions from Hurricane Gustav in the Gulf.